Monday, July 11, 2011

People with eating disorders likely to die earlier, study shows


People with eating disorders likely to die earlier, study shows
Anorexia increases a patient's risk of death fivefold, and people with bulimia or another nonspecified eating disorder also face an increased risk of death -- about twice as likely to die as people without those disorders, a study said. ... read more

Pippa 'thinspires' pro-anorexia sites
Dangerous pro-anorexia websites have found a new 'thinspiration' in Pippa Middleton to target women and young girls. The Duke of Cambridge's younger sister, Pippa Middleton, who caused a sensation with her rear view as bridesmaid at the Royal wedding ... read more

Anorexia: A coping mechanism or are women just vain and gullible?
By Scallywag • Jul 11th, 2011 • Category: Manners and Etiquette Pursuant to an article we published last night on the UK fashion chain Top Shop using anorexic appearing female models we received a wide array of feedback on how anorexia actually feeds ... read more


Anorexic model
anorexia nervosa photos
Why Anorexia Affects Our Women
A person with anorexia nervosa
Model: Anorexia or Not?
Anorexia as a lifestyle
Am I Pretty Yet?

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