Monday, July 4, 2011

Prosecutor On Defense Closing Argument: “Does Any Of This Make Sense?”


Caylee Anthony Father POLL…Was Michael Duggan Biological Baby Daddy?
The media has pounded Casey's father, George, and brother, Lee, with allegations of molestation prompted by the claims of sociopath Casey Anthony, who is being tried on capital charges of the premeditated murder of her 2-year-old daughter, ... read more

Casey Anthony's Father Admits Suicide Attempt, Denies Molestation
Anthony was taken into police custody and briefly held at a medical center for evaluation. On the stand today, Anthony admitted attempting to take his own life and then broke down on the stand. Casey Anthony did not react as her father put his head in ... read more

Prosecutor On Defense Closing Argument: “Does Any Of This Make Sense?”
While Baez claimed in his closing argument that no evidence has rebutted the theory that Caylee drowned in the pool on June 16, 2008, Ashton said George Anthony denied it on the witness stand and Casey Anthony rejected opportunities to adopt that story ... read more


Casey Anthony, Colonial H.S.,
Who is Caylee Anthonys father
Who is Caylee Anthonys father
Who is Caylee Anthonys Father
Caylee Anthonys Father (Want
Caylee Anthony
Casey Anthonys father, George
Who Is Caylee Anthonys Father
In the end, it was her Father

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